
ISO 9001:2015

Number #1

Supplier in Europe

Leading Provider

For Over 50 Years


ISO 9001:2015

Number #1

Supplier in Europe

Leading Provider

For Over 50 Years

Production Schedules


Suppliers have a duty to keep their customers up-to-date, especially regarding delivery times. That’s why communication between a supplier and their customers is so important. Communication is key to achieving project deadlines. Communication also makes for a happy and appreciated customer. That’s why we developed the REIS Chrome Production Schedule. It helps us keep customers up-to-date with accurate information.

What is a Production Schedule?

A REIS Chrome Production Schedule is a document that contains a list of all your open orders with REIS Chrome Limited. It contains key information such as order numbers, product dimensions, status descriptions and most importantly, delivery dates.

How does it work?

Every Monday and Wednesday, after our production meetings, the REIS Chrome servers generate a production schedule for every customer with an open order. These schedules are sent to email addresses of your choosing. This means you are constantly kept up to date with the location of the product, and what’s happening to it within our factory. And it all appears directly within your email inbox!

Nice! How do I get a Schedule?

If you currently have an open order with us, you should already be receiving these schedules from us. However if the previous is true, and you’re not receiving these schedules, you can contact us here and we’ll include you in your companies schedule updates.

Join Newsletter

By joining our company newsletter, you’ll be kept up to date about things such as holiday shutdown periods, new products/services and other services we develop (such as the Production Schedule). All direct to your inbox.

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